Mandag 23 September
Kl. 17:00 - 19:00
Learn to ride a bike
Learn to ride a Bike

If you want to learn to ride a bike, you have the opportunity to do so. We set up a course for both men and women and there are three days of courses:

TIME: Monday 23. September, Wednsday  25. September and Thursday 26. September at 17-19 o'clock.

PLACE: Meetingpoint at Borggården, between Ås Town Hall and Ås Cultural Center.

Sign up by paying kr. 100,- via Vipps 77190 (Syklistforeningen Ås).

For kr. 100,- you get: 

1. A 3-day cycling course. 

2. Free participation in the "Bike Repair Evening" at NMBU (Skogveien 22A) on Tuesday, September 24th from 5-7 PM, where you can get free repairs on your own bike or purchase a cheap used bike

Frivilligsentralen provides bikes and helmets for loan during the course. Dress according to the weather!

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